Lets say you need to put a quote with several sentences into an essay, how (in format) you would you quote this?


Scroll down to the section on Long Quotations.

When including a quote with several sentences in an essay, you will need to format it correctly to provide proper attribution and clarity. Here's the format you can use:

1. Start with an introductory signal phrase: Begin the quote with a signal phrase that introduces the author and provides context. For example, you can mention the author's name, their profession, or the source of the quote. Include any relevant information to establish credibility and relevance.

2. Use quotation marks: Place double quotation marks (" ") at the beginning and end of the quoted material. This indicates that the words are a direct quote from the source.

3. Indent the quote: If the quote contains more than four lines (in some formatting styles, it may be three lines), you should format it as a block quote. Begin the quote on a new line and indent the entire quote (usually half an inch or 1.27 cm) from the left margin. In this case, you don't need to include quotation marks.

4. Maintain original punctuation: Keep any punctuation marks (commas, periods, etc.) exactly as they appear in the original quote. This ensures accuracy and integrity.

5. Provide source information: After the closing quotation marks, include a parenthetical citation that indicates the source's author, publication date, and page number (if available). This information helps the reader locate the full source in the reference list or bibliography of your essay.

Here's an example of a quote with several sentences correctly formatted:

According to John Smith, a renowned writer in his book "The Art of Writing":

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed at tellus et risus rutrum sollicitudin. Curabitur non urna et nibh tincidunt mollis. Nullam eget massa ac leo tincidunt dignissim. Aenean lobortis leo id velit iaculis, eget viverra odio tincidunt. Phasellus dictum leo nec velit vestibulum consectetur. Curabitur placerat lectus libero, vel cursus eros consectetur at. Duis a suscipit ligula. Ut congue vehicula molestie."

(Smith, 2019, p. 45)

Remember to adjust the citation format according to the required referencing style (such as APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) specified by your professor or institution.