please explain how to use doubles plus 1 and doubles minus 1

This is a method for early learners to use to add.

when adding two consecutive numbers, double the lower number, add 1


or, double the higher number, and subtract one.



Certainly! "Doubles plus 1" and "doubles minus 1" are basic mathematical operations that involve adding or subtracting 1 after doubling a given number. Here's an explanation on how to use these operations:

1. Doubles Plus 1:
- Start with a number.
- Multiply the number by 2 (double it).
- Add 1 to the result.

For example, let's say we have the number 5:
- Double the number: 5 x 2 = 10.
- Add 1 to the result: 10 + 1 = 11.

So, "doubles plus 1" of the number 5 is 11.

2. Doubles Minus 1:
- Start with a number.
- Multiply the number by 2 (double it).
- Subtract 1 from the result.

Continuing with the previous example of the number 5:
- Double the number: 5 x 2 = 10.
- Subtract 1 from the result: 10 - 1 = 9.

Therefore, "doubles minus 1" of the number 5 is 9.

You can use these operations with any number. Just remember to follow the steps of doubling the number and then either adding or subtracting 1 to get your final result.