This is a choose the best answer question:

The location of protein synthesis in eukaryotic cells is the
c)plasma membrane.
d)Golgi apparatus.

Ok so I know that the sites for protein sythesis are the ribosomes and there are ribosomes on the cytoplasm, and attached to the nucleus and attached to the rough ER, but the synthesis doesn't happen inside the nucleus... will that mean that the answer is then cytoplasm? I know the Golgi apparatus packages the synthesized proteins to send them to other parts of the cell or outside the cell... so I'm not sure what the answer is and ribosomes is not an optino there.

Please refer to y our later post, which I saw first.


Cell membrane I think

Yes, you are correct in your understanding. Protein synthesis occurs at the ribosomes, which can be found both free in the cytoplasm and attached to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). While there are ribosomes associated with the nucleus, protein synthesis does not happen inside the nucleus itself.

Given the options provided, the best answer would be (b) cytoplasm. In eukaryotic cells, protein synthesis primarily occurs in the cytoplasm, where most of the cellular components, including ribosomes, are distributed. Although the Golgi apparatus plays a role in protein processing and packaging, it is not the main site of protein synthesis.

Hence, in this case, the correct answer would be (b) cytoplasm.