a teacher asks all of the children in the class to watch a football game,and to write a report on the rules of the game.as some of the students in the class are recent immigrants from asia,europe,and africa,which principle of standardized testing might be compromised by the assignment?

(b)content validity
(c)predictive validity

please help me cant figure out the answer

All of the above??

People (including children) who have never watched a football game before won't be able to do much with such a test, I'd think.

i was thinking d what do you think

Honestly, I don't know which one. I'd lean toward the "predictive" one, but "d" is the one that I wouldn't choose!

I am wondering if the teacher knows what "football" means in the greater world. Few in the USA even know about the world's "football".

To determine which principle of standardized testing might be compromised by the assignment, let's understand the meaning of each option:

(a) Reliability: Reliability refers to the consistency and dependability of test scores. It means the test should yield similar results when taken multiple times or by different individuals.

(b) Content validity: Content validity refers to the extent to which a test measures what it is intended to measure. It assesses whether the content of the test is representative of the knowledge or skills it is supposed to evaluate.

(c) Predictive validity: Predictive validity refers to how well the results of a test can predict future performance or behavior. Tests with high predictive validity indicate that scores obtained on the test are reliable indicators of future outcomes.

(d) Objectivity: Objectivity refers to the lack of bias or subjectivity in scoring and grading. It means that different individuals grading the same test would arrive at the same scores.

Now let's analyze the scenario in the question. The teacher asks all the children to watch a football game and write a report on the rules of the game. Since some of the students are recent immigrants from Asia, Europe, and Africa, their exposure and knowledge of football might be limited or nonexistent.

Based on this analysis, it appears that the compromised principle of standardized testing in this assignment would be (b) Content validity. The reason is that some students may not have the necessary prior knowledge or understanding of football rules due to their different cultural backgrounds or lack of exposure to the sport.

Therefore, selecting option (b) Content validity as the compromised principle is the most appropriate answer in this case.