Please, help me. I'm bad in french...

depui que ses parents meure il ne va pas bien. j'espére qu'aujourdui il va mieux car on pense allé cinéma.

Did you write this yourself? I am not sure if this makes sense or not...depui is not a word, it is depuis, and I am not sure that this sentence structure works either. What is this supposed to mean?

Assuming you are trying to say: "Since his parents are dying (bad sequence of tense) he is not well. I hope that today he's going to feel better because we're thinkg of going to the movies:

Depuis que ses parents sont morts, il ne va pas bien. J'espére qu'aujourd'hui il aille (Subjunctive)car on pense aller au cinéma.


It seems like you're looking for assistance with understanding the French text you provided. I'm here to help you break it down!

First, I'll provide the text sentence by sentence:

1. "depui que ses parents meure il ne va pas bien." (Since his/her parents died, he/she is not doing well.)
2. "j'espére qu'aujourdui il va mieux" (I hope today he/she is feeling better.)
3. "car on pense allé cinéma." (Because we are planning to go to the cinema.)

Now, let's analyze each sentence:

1. "depui que ses parents meure il ne va pas bien." The sentence talks about someone's parents who have passed away. The verb "meure" means "die" in the past tense, and "ses parents" means "his/her parents". So, it translates to "Since his/her parents died, he/she is not doing well."

2. "j'espére qu'aujourdui il va mieux." This sentence expresses hope for the current day. "j'espère" means "I hope", "aujourdui" means "today", and "il va mieux" means "he/she is feeling better". Thus, it can be translated as "I hope today he/she is feeling better."

3. "car on pense allé cinéma." Here, "car" means "because", "on" means "we", "pense" means "think", "allé" means "to go", and "cinéma" means "cinema". Thus, the sentence means "Because we are planning to go to the cinema."

I hope this breakdown helps you to understand the sentences better! If you have any more specific questions or need further explanations, feel free to ask.