The two teams did a pas de deux over the course of the season, taking turns at the top of the rankings.

Which describes the meaning of the term pas de deux as it is used in this sentence?
(1 point)

a relationship marked with anger and unpleasantness

an activity involving two parties or things

an activity in which something is passed

a game in which the scores are very close at the end

The term "pas de deux" as used in this sentence means "an activity involving two parties or things." It refers to the teams taking turns at the top of the rankings throughout the season.

A report states that in 2019, France's per capita income was 37,400 Euros. Which definition best describes the meaning of per capita? (1 point)

total amount for all people

average amount per person

total amount in the capital

minimum amount per person

The definition that best describes the meaning of "per capita" in this sentence is "average amount per person." It refers to the income per person in France in 2019.

The correct answer is: an activity involving two parties or things. The term "pas de deux" refers to a dance duet performed by two people in ballet. In this context, it is used metaphorically to describe the interaction between the two teams.

The correct answer in this context is: an activity involving two parties or things.

To understand the meaning of the term "pas de deux" in this sentence, we can break it down:

1. "Pas de deux" is a French term commonly used in ballet, which translates to "step for two" in English.
2. In ballet, a pas de deux refers to a dance or duet performed by two dancers, typically a male and a female, who showcase their skills and perform in harmony.
3. In this sentence, the phrase "did a pas de deux" is being used figuratively, outside the context of ballet. It implies that the two teams in question were engaged in a back-and-forth activity, taking turns at the top of the rankings over the course of the season.
4. Therefore, the meaning of "pas de deux" in this sentence is an activity involving two parties or things.