Given the situation described, identify the type of sampling involved. Students at Local U are classified according to the progress toward their degree program as freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors and nonmatriculating, then random samples from each class are taken.

I think its systematic sampling??

"random samples from each class"

No, the type of sampling described in the given situation is stratified sampling.

Stratified sampling involves dividing the population into different subgroups or strata based on certain characteristics (in this case, progress toward degree program). Random samples are then taken from each subgroup.

In this scenario, the population of students at Local U is classified into different classes: freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and nonmatriculating students. The researcher then takes random samples from each class, ensuring that individuals from each subgroup are represented in the final sample.

Systematic sampling, on the other hand, involves selecting every "nth" element from a population after an initial random selection. It does not involve dividing the population into strata beforehand.

Therefore, the correct answer is stratified sampling, not systematic sampling.