The value of a particular stock dropped from $83 in February to $48 in September. Find the rate of change in the value of the stock.

83 - 48 = 35

35 / 83 = 0.42468 = 42.5%

thank you so much

You're very welcome.

To find the rate of change in the value of the stock, you need to calculate the difference in the values and divide it by the time taken.

First, subtract the initial value from the final value to get the change in value:
$48 - $83 = -$35

Next, determine the time taken for the change. In this case, the time taken is from February to September, which is 7 months.

To calculate the rate of change, divide the change in value by the time taken:
Rate of change = Change in value / Time taken
= -$35 / 7 months
= -$5 per month

Therefore, the rate of change in the value of the stock is negative $5 per month, indicating a decrease in value.