what is the best way to count how many people who visit a park for a month? need formulas maybe using random sampling?

To count the number of people who visit a park for a month, you could use one of the following methods:

1. Manual Counting: The most straightforward method is to conduct a physical count of visitors at the park entrance or at various intervals throughout the day. This involves stationing staff members or volunteers at the entrance or specific areas to record the number of people entering or exiting the park.

2. Ticketing or Registration: If your park uses a ticketing or registration system, you can easily obtain the visitor count by monitoring the sales or registrations for each day in a month. This method provides an accurate count of visitors and can also help collect additional data such as demographics.

3. Electronic Monitoring: Install electronic monitoring systems such as turnstiles, automated counters, or infrared sensors at the park entrance or specific areas to count visitors automatically. These systems may require initial setup and investment but provide a continuous and accurate count without human intervention.

4. Random Sampling: If manually counting or implementing electronic monitoring is not practical, you can use random sampling to estimate the total number of visitors. Randomly select specific dates or times throughout the month and count the number of visitors during those periods. Then, extrapolate those counts to estimate the total number of visitors for the month, considering any variations due to weekdays, weekends, or special events.

To calculate the estimate using random sampling, you can use the following formula:

Estimated Monthly Visitors = Total Visitors Sampled / Counted Days Sampled x Total Number of Days in the Month

Remember that this method assumes that the sampled days are representative of the overall visitor patterns throughout the month, so try to select a diverse range of days.

Combining multiple methods or using a combination of manual counting, electronic monitoring, and random sampling can provide a more accurate estimation of the number of people visiting a park during a month.