An amusement park that you are excited to try is $28 per visit.

You have the option to purchase a monthly membership for $90 and then pay $15 for each visit.
You think you will visit probably about 8 times this summer. Which option is best?

To determine which option is best, we need to calculate the total cost for each option and then compare them.

Option 1: Paying per visit
Cost per visit: $28
Number of visits: 8
Total cost: $28 * 8 = $<<28*8=224>>

Option 2: Purchasing a monthly membership
Membership cost: $90
Cost per visit: $15
Number of visits: 8
Total cost: $90 + $15 * 8 = $90 + $<<15*8=120>>120 = $<<90+120=210>>

Comparing the total costs:
Option 1: $224
Option 2: $210

Based on the comparison, it is more cost-effective to choose Option 2, which involves purchasing a monthly membership and paying $15 for each visit. The total cost for Option 2 is $210, while for Option 1, it is $224.

To determine the best option, we need to compare the total cost of each option based on the number of visits you plan to make.

Option 1: Paying per visit
The cost per visit is $28, and you plan to visit 8 times. Therefore, the total cost for this option is 8 * $28 = $224.

Option 2: Monthly membership
The cost of the monthly membership is $90, and you'll also pay $15 per visit. Since you plan to visit 8 times, you would need to add an additional 8 * $15 to the membership cost. Therefore, the total cost for this option is $90 + (8 * $15) = $210.

Comparing the total costs, it is evident that Option 2, purchasing the monthly membership and paying $15 per visit, would be the better choice. It would save you $14 ($224 - $210) for the 8 visits you plan to make this summer.

To determine which option is best, let's calculate the total cost for each option.

Option 1: Paying per visit at $28 per visit for 8 visits.
Total cost = $28 × 8 = $224

Option 2: Purchasing a monthly membership for $90 and paying $15 for each visit for 8 visits.
Membership cost = $90
Per visit cost = $15
Total cost = Membership cost + (Per visit cost × Number of visits)
Total cost = $90 + ($15 × 8) = $90 + $120 = $210

Comparing the total costs:
Option 1: $224
Option 2: $210

Based on the calculations, Option 2, which includes purchasing a monthly membership, is the best option for you. It will cost you $210 for 8 visits, while paying per visit without the membership would cost you $224. Therefore, you would save $14 by choosing Option 2.