I need to complete the following number sentences so that the answer to each is 1

12/15 -7/15 + /15 =1

12/15 -7/15 + x/15 =1

12 - 7 + x = 15
x = 15 - 12 + 7
x = 10


explain it to me please


In the first problem, since all the denominators were the same, namely 15, I multiplied each term by 15

in the second problem, notice that all denominators are 20, so multiply each term by 20 to get

25 + 16 + 7 - x = 20

easy to solve for x

25/20 +16/20 +1/20 - x/20 = 1



18/20 -6/20+ x/20=1


is this the correct answer

To complete the number sentences correctly, you need to find the missing number for each expression so that the sum is equal to 1.

Let's break down the given number sentences one by one and solve for the missing number:

1) 12/15 - 7/15 + /15 = 1

To find the missing number, we need to subtract 7/15 from 12/15 and then add the missing number, and the sum should be equal to 1.

Step 1: Subtract 7/15 from 12/15:
12/15 - 7/15 = 5/15

Step 2: Add the missing number:
5/15 + /15 = 1

To make the sum equal to 1, we need to find a number that, when added to 5/15, equals 1.

So, to find the missing number, we subtract 5/15 from 1:

1 - 5/15 = 15/15 - 5/15 = 10/15

Therefore, the missing number is 10/15.

Thus, the complete number sentence is:
12/15 - 7/15 + 10/15 = 1