Realism differs from Romanticism in that realism:

A. focuses on negative and Romanticism focuses on positive
B. portrays life as it is and Romanticism on how life should be.
C. uses details and Romanticism uses emotion.
D. Both B and C

I think it's D?

Right again! Nice. =)

okay great : )

Yes, you are correct. Realism differs from Romanticism in that it portrays life as it is, while Romanticism focuses on how life should be. Realism emphasizes an objective and accurate representation of reality, often depicting the everyday lives of ordinary people. It tends to focus on the ordinary, mundane aspects of life. On the other hand, Romanticism tends to idealize and romanticize reality, portraying it through emotion and imagination rather than strict adherence to reality. Romanticism often places a greater emphasis on the emotional and fantastical aspects of life.

To arrive at the answer, we can analyze the characteristics of each movement. By understanding the key principles and themes associated with realism and Romanticism, we can compare them and determine their differences. In this case, option D accurately represents the differences between the two artistic movements.