
What could I do as a lead in activity with two 5th graders? We have a 45 minute lesson tomorrow and I want to break the ice with a funny game. The topic is not important. Does anyone have something that lasts for 10 minutes?

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For a lead-in activity with two 5th graders, you can try playing "Two Truths and a Lie." This game is simple, fun, and can be adapted to any topic. It also lasts for around 10 minutes.

Here's how to play:

1. Ask both 5th graders to come up with three statements about themselves, relating to any topic. Two statements should be true, and one should be false.
Example: If the topic is "Favorite Animals," one student could say, "I love dogs," "I have a pet cat," and "I have a pet elephant."

2. Each student takes turns sharing their three statements while the other person listens.

3. The listener's task is to guess which statement is the false one. Once they make their guess, the speaker reveals the false statement, and if the guess was correct, the listener gets a point.

4. After each student has shared their statements, you can tally up the points and declare a winner. You could also switch roles and play a second round if time allows.

This game not only helps break the ice but also encourages communication, listening skills, and critical thinking. Additionally, it can serve as an opportunity for students to learn more about each other's interests.

Feel free to adjust the game based on the topic or add variations to make it more engaging or challenging. Have fun and enjoy your lesson!