George Bernard Shaw's plays illustrate their author's dedication to which cause?


i think a. now what do u think?

Read carefully, especially Context and Characters.

Lol. That's a question on my exam.

To determine George Bernard Shaw's dedication to a cause, we can look at his body of work, specifically his plays. In this case, we need to identify which cause Shaw's plays illustrate.

The best way to find the answer is to conduct research on George Bernard Shaw and analyze his plays. A good starting point would be reading summaries or synopses of his most notable plays. Analyzing the themes, messages, and ideologies present in his works will help us understand his dedication to a particular cause.

Once we have familiarized ourselves with his plays, we can make an informed decision based on the evidence we find. It is important to consider the context of the time Shaw was writing in, as this might provide additional insight into his political leanings.

Therefore, the accurate answer to the question will depend on the evidence gathered through research on Shaw's plays and his overall body of work.

Ooops! You forgot to tell us what YOU THINK the answer is.

And ... if these are questions on a quiz, test, or exam, you should NOT be posting them here.