1. what are coureur de bois?

2. what are mjssionary jobs?
3. what was louisiana named after?
4. if new amsterdam is now new york-then what is new nethrlands called today?

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That to secure these right, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. - I need to rephrase this excerpt

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1. Coureurs de bois were French Canadian traders who operated in the North American fur trade in the 17th and 18th centuries. They can be translated to "runners of the woods" in English. To find this information, you can conduct a simple search using a search engine like Google or Bing. Just type in "What are coureurs de bois?" and the search engine will provide you with various sources and articles explaining the concept.

2. Missionary jobs refer to roles in which individuals of religious organizations or faith-based groups travel to different locations, often in foreign countries, to spread their religious beliefs and provide humanitarian aid. They may engage in activities such as evangelism, education, healthcare, or community development. To understand more about missionary jobs, you can browse websites of religious organizations or missionary associations, read articles or books on the subject, or even watch documentaries about missionaries.

3. Louisiana was named after King Louis XIV of France. It was named in honor of the French king by the French explorer René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, who claimed the territory for France in 1682. To acquire this knowledge, you can again use a search engine and type in "Why is Louisiana named after Louis XIV?" or "Origin of Louisiana's name." This will provide you with historical accounts and sources that explain the naming of Louisiana.

4. New Netherland, the Dutch colonial region in North America, is now divided among multiple modern-day states. The major area that was originally part of New Netherland includes parts of the states of New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Connecticut. To find out more about the current names and divisions of the territories, you can search for "What is New Netherland called today?" or "Division of New Netherland territories." This will provide you with information on how the former New Netherland territory is currently named and divided.