Use a factor tree to write 1575 as a product of prime factors. You

should display your factor tree in your answer.

I would start with the prime 5


check that.

I don't know what a factor tree is, but I'd start by dividing by 25, which is 5x5. Any number ending in 25 or 75 is divisible by that.

1575/(5x5) = 63 = 9x7 = 3x3x7

That leads to 3x3x5x5x7 = 1575

To write 1575 as a product of prime factors using a factor tree, we need to break it down into its prime factors step by step.

Step 1:
Start with the number 1575 and find two factors that multiply to give 1575. One factor could be 3, as 3 × 525 equals 1575.

/ \
3 525

Step 2:
Next, break down 525 into two factors. One factor could be 3, as 3 × 175 equals 525.

/ \
3 525
/ \
3 175

Step 3:
Continue breaking down the remaining factors in the same way until all the branches end in prime numbers.

/ \
3 525
/ \
3 175
/ \
5 35

Step 4:
Now, continue breaking down the remaining factors until we reach prime numbers.

/ \
3 525
/ \
3 175
/ \
5 35
/ \
5 7

Step 5:
Finally, all the branches end in prime numbers. So, we can write 1575 as a product of prime factors:

1575 = 3 × 3 × 5 × 5 × 7

Hence, the prime factorization of 1575 is 3 × 3 × 5 × 5 × 7.