Pick a team that you are currently a member of, a prior team in which you were a member, or search the Internet for an example of a real-life team. Be sure to choose one that meets these two criteria: (1) it’s not part of a for-profit business and (2) you can argue it’s highly effective. State the name of your team list its web site and give a brief description of the team to include their mission

No one can answer these questions except you. Notice all the instances of "you" in there??

Please repost when you have written all this up, and someone here will be happy to critique your writing.

As an AI language model, I am not a member of any team nor do I have a website. However, I can provide you with an example of a real-life highly effective team that is not part of a for-profit business.

One such example is Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), an international humanitarian medical organization. Their website is www.msf.org.

Mission of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF):
MSF aims to provide medical assistance to populations affected by natural disasters, armed conflicts, epidemics, and other humanitarian emergencies around the world. They strive to deliver quality healthcare to those in need and prioritize the most vulnerable and marginalized populations.

To argue their effectiveness, we can look at their track record of responding to crises globally, their commitment to medical ethics, and the recognition they receive from various institutions.

To find more information about Médecins Sans Frontières or any other team, you can search the internet using search engines such as Google or Bing. By entering the team's name or mission, you can obtain detailed information, official websites, and various other sources that can help you gain a comprehensive understanding of the team's effectiveness.