How would you estimate using fractions to find the percentage of a number. For example: 28% of 48.

If you want 28% of 48 you just take the percentage and multiply by the number you want.

The percantage is 28% but you need to convert it to a fraction. 28/100 = .28
So then you multiply
(.28)(48) = 13.44
So 28% of 48 = 13.44 =)

Meant you need to convert the percent into a decimal =P Lol

To estimate using fractions to find the percentage of a number, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a fraction. To convert a percentage to a fraction, divide it by 100.

For example, to convert 28% to a fraction, you divide 28 by 100:
28 ÷ 100 = 0.28

So, 28% can be expressed as the fraction 0.28.

Step 2: Multiply the fraction by the given number to find the estimate.

For example, if you want to find 28% of 48, you multiply 0.28 (the fraction) by 48 (the number):
0.28 × 48 = 13.44

So, an estimate of 28% of 48 is 13.44.

If you want the exact answer, you can further simplify the fraction by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by a common factor to get a whole number in the numerator. In this case, you can multiply both by 4:
0.28 × 48 = (28 ÷ 100) × 48 = (28 × 4) ÷ (100 × 4) = 112 ÷ 400 = 28 ÷ 100 = 0.28

So, the exact answer is 0.28.

Remember, this method only provides an estimate of a percentage. For a more precise calculation, you can use the formula for finding the percentage directly, which involves dividing the given number by 100 and multiplying it by the percentage.