Round the fractions to the nearest whole number to find an estimate: 26 5/6 ÷ 8 4/5.

To solve this problem, we need to convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions and then divide them:

26 5/6 = (6 * 26 + 5)/6 = 161/6
8 4/5 = (5 * 8 + 4)/5 = 44/5

Now, divide 161/6 by 44/5:

(161/6) / (44/5) = (161/6) * (5/44) = (161 * 5)/(6 * 44) = 805/264

To round 805/264 to the nearest whole number, we divide the numerator by the denominator and round the result:

805 ÷ 264 ≈ 3.05

Rounded to the nearest whole number, the estimate is 3.