Hi I have to write an essay that is due on Monday. However, English not being my second language I am having a hard time starting this essay. I don't know where to begin, what information to included ect. Please help me with essay and give me an ideas. Your help is appreciated. I have to incorporate this Anecdote, use the anecdote as my introduction, have to have character, problem solved. Thesis, I have to make an argument or stand, have claim, statics, warrent and qualification. How can I start? Thanks.

Because, of a poor self image my friend Amy wakes up every morning, battling to eat a small meat. She wants to be beanpole like a stick thin. To reach her ultimate goal, each day she imagines being skinny longs to look like the girls on the magazines. Her admiration to be thin peaked at its certainty and Amy’s eating disorder got hold on her; she exercises rapidly, purges and fasts every other day. That is when I infiltrated and decided to inform her Amy about her eating disorder. I could not take seeing my friend being undernourished as emaciated, starved kitten. However, I still persuaded Amy to talk to healthy professional. Day by day Amy gradually improved. She no longer struggles with eating food, her symptoms declined and she strives each day to eat as much as she can.

I am not certain what "she strives to eat as much as she can" sounds possibly like an eating disorder.

I think you ought to focus on Why Image can be a detriment to being confident. See if you can make a thesis out of that.

Thanks. Never though of that. Here is the thesis: Not Perceiving one's own body flawlessly dispels their confidences and terminates projecting positive image. It urges one exercise excessively and purge than eaten meal.

Is this good or should I change?


Starting an essay can be challenging, especially when English is not your second language. However, I can help you with some ideas to begin your essay incorporating the anecdote you provided.

To start, you can use the anecdote as your introduction. Begin by describing the situation with your friend Amy and her battle with a poor self-image and desire to be thin. You can give a brief overview of her actions, such as imagining being skinny, excessive exercising, purging, and fasting. Then, explain how you decided to intervene and inform her about her eating disorder because you couldn't bear to see her in such a state.

After the introduction, you can move on to the body paragraphs of your essay. In these paragraphs, you will need to incorporate the elements you mentioned, such as character, problem solved, thesis, argument or stand, claim, statistics, warrant, and qualification. Here's how you can structure these components:

1. Character: Present yourself as the character who intervenes and helps Amy with her eating disorder. Talk about your concerns for her well-being and the impact it had on your friendship.

2. Problem: Describe the problem of Amy's eating disorder and its detrimental effects on her physical and mental health. Provide examples of how it negatively impacted her daily life.

3. Solution: Talk about how you persuaded Amy to seek professional help for her eating disorder. Describe the steps she took to improve her well-being and her fight towards recovery. Highlight the importance of professional intervention in solving the problem.

4. Thesis: State your argument or stand in relation to eating disorders. This could be something like "Eating disorders are serious conditions that require professional help and support for individuals to overcome." Make sure your thesis statement is clear and concise.

5. Claim: Back up your thesis statement with claims and evidence. Discuss the statistics and data related to eating disorders, such as prevalence rates, associated health risks, and long-term consequences. Provide reliable sources to support your claims.

6. Warrant: Explain why the evidence you provided supports your thesis. Connect the statistics and data to the personal experience of your friend Amy, demonstrating how her case is representative of the broader problem of eating disorders.

7. Qualification: Acknowledge any potential limitations or counterarguments to your claims. Discuss factors that may contribute to the development of eating disorders, such as societal pressure, body image ideals, or genetic predispositions. However, reinforce your stand by emphasizing the significance of professional help, as demonstrated by Amy's recovery.

By structuring your essay in this way, you will be able to incorporate the anecdote effectively and develop a strong argument supported by evidence. Remember to provide a conclusion that summarizes your main points and reinforces the importance of seeking help for eating disorders. Good luck with your essay!