Please check my answer:

Multiply and simplify
(8a^7)/(11p^3) * (121p^8)/(64a)

I got (968a^7p^8)/(704ap^3)
Is this correct?

Nope. You have not simplified:

what is a^7/a ?

What is 968/704 ?

What is P^8/p^3 ?

Ok.. So, would it be 11/8a^6p^5?

hi bob could you look at my question and help me solve it. Thanks Barb I think it is right above this question

To multiply and simplify the fractions (8a^7)/(11p^3) and (121p^8)/(64a), you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the numerators together, and multiply the denominators together:

(8a^7 * 121p^8) / (11p^3 * 64a)

Step 2: Simplify each part of the expression:

8 * 121 = 968
a^7 * p^8 = a^(7+8) = a^15
11 * 64 = 704
p^3 * a = p^(3-1) * a^1 = p^2 * a

Step 3: Combine the simplified parts to get the final answer:

(968a^15p^8) / (704ap^2)

Therefore, the simplified expression is (968a^15p^8) / (704ap^2).

Your answer of (968a^7p^8) / (704ap^3) is close but not entirely correct. You accidentally omitted the exponent of a in the numerator (7 + 8 = 15), and you mistakenly added 1 to the exponent of p in the denominator (should be p^2, not p^3).