The mass of Oceanis 1.8*10 to 21 kg.The ocean contains 1.076%sodium ion,Na+what is mass of sodium in ocean

What is 1.8&10^21 * (1.076/100)?

To find the mass of sodium in the ocean, we need to calculate the mass of sodium ions present in the given percentage concentration.

Step 1: Calculate the total mass of the ocean
The mass of Oceanis is given as 1.8 x 10^21 kg.

Step 2: Calculate the mass of sodium ions
The concentration of sodium ions in the ocean is given as 1.076%. To convert this into a decimal, divide it by 100:
1.076% / 100 = 0.01076

Multiply the mass of Oceanis by the concentration of sodium ions to find the mass of sodium:
Mass of sodium = Mass of Oceanis x Concentration of sodium ions
Mass of sodium = 1.8 x 10^21 kg x 0.01076

Step 3: Perform the calculation
Mass of sodium = 1.8 x 10^21 kg x 0.01076
Mass of sodium = 1.9392 x 10^19 kg

Therefore, the mass of sodium in the ocean is approximately 1.9392 x 10^19 kg.

To calculate the mass of sodium in the ocean, we need to use the given mass of Oceanis and the percentage of sodium ions in the ocean.

1. Convert the percentage of sodium ions to a decimal by dividing it by 100:
Sodium ion percentage = 1.076 / 100 = 0.01076

2. Multiply the mass of Oceanis by the sodium ion percentage to determine the mass of sodium:
Mass of sodium = 1.8 * 10^21 kg * 0.01076 = 1.93848 * 10^19 kg

Therefore, the mass of sodium in the ocean is approximately 1.93848 * 10^19 kg.