How many inches is in 3 3/4 yard? THANK YOU:))))

1 yard = 36 inches.

36 * (3 3/4) = ?

135 in


To convert yards to inches, you need to know that there are 36 inches in one yard. Now, we can calculate the number of inches in 3 3/4 yards.

Step 1: Convert the whole number part (3) to inches:
3 yards * 36 inches/yard = 108 inches

Step 2: Convert the fraction part (3/4) to inches:
Since there are 4 quarters in a whole, we can divide the yard into four equal parts.
Each quarter yard is 36 inches / 4 = 9 inches.

So, 3/4 yard is 9 inches * 3/4 = 27/4 inches.

Step 3: Add the whole number part and the fraction part together to get the final result:
108 inches + 27/4 inches = (108 * 4) / 4 + 27/4 = 432/4 + 27/4 = 459/4 inches.

Therefore, 3 3/4 yards is equal to 459/4 inches or 114.75 inches (rounded to two decimal places).