The table shows the heights of the roller coasters at an amusement park.

Roller Coaster Height

32 meters

Dizzy Dipper

29 yards

Flash Lightning 1,140 inches

1 meter is approximately 39.37 inches, 1 foot equals 12 inches, 1 yard equals 36 inches

To the nearest foot, what is the height of the ,begin emphasis,tallest,end emphasis, roller coaster at the amusement park?

To find the height of the tallest roller coaster, we will convert all the given measurements to inches and then find the maximum value.

The height of Galaxy is given as 32 meters. Since 1 meter is approximately 39.37 inches, we can convert the height of Galaxy to inches by multiplying 32 by 39.37:

32 meters * 39.37 inches/meter = 1259.84 inches

The height of Dizzy Dipper is given as 29 yards. Since 1 yard equals 36 inches, we can convert the height of Dizzy Dipper to inches by multiplying 29 by 36:

29 yards * 36 inches/yard = 1044 inches

The height of Flash Lightning is given as 1140 inches.

Now, we can compare these heights to find the tallest roller coaster.

The height of Galaxy is 1259.84 inches, the height of Dizzy Dipper is 1044 inches, and the height of Flash Lightning is 1140 inches.

The tallest roller coaster is Galaxy with a height of approximately 1259.84 inches.

To the nearest foot, the height of the tallest roller coaster is 1260 inches, which is approximately 105 feet (since 1 foot equals 12 inches).

To find the height of the tallest roller coaster in feet, we need to convert the given measurements to a consistent unit. Let's convert all the measurements to inches first:

Galaxy: 32 meters * 39.37 inches/meter = 1259.84 inches
Dizzy Dipper: 29 yards * 36 inches/yard = 1044 inches
Flash Lightning: 1,140 inches

Now, we can compare the heights.

The Galaxy roller coaster is 1259.84 inches tall.
The Dizzy Dipper roller coaster is 1044 inches tall.
The Flash Lightning roller coaster is 1,140 inches tall.

Since the Galaxy is the tallest roller coaster at 1259.84 inches, and we need to find the height in feet, we divide 1259.84 inches by 12 inches/foot to convert it to feet:

1259.84 inches / 12 inches/foot = 104.99 feet

Rounding to the nearest foot, the height of the tallest roller coaster at the amusement park is approximately 105 feet.