How does the French Revolution and the Haiti Revolution change the way people live and view the world?

and how did they change or shape the way people lived.
if possible list a few key points that i can later expand on in each revolution.
any answer is appreciated

The French Revolution (1789-1799) and the Haitian Revolution (1791-1804) were two pivotal events that significantly changed the way people lived and viewed the world. Here are some key points to consider for each revolution:

French Revolution:
1. Enlightenment Ideas: The French Revolution was influenced by Enlightenment ideals such as liberty, equality, and popular sovereignty. These ideas challenged the traditional absolute monarchy and the social structure of France.
2. End of Monarchy: The French Revolution led to the overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of a democratic government. It brought an end to the Ancien RĂ©gime and the divine right of kings.
3. Rise of Nationalism: The revolution fostered a sense of nationalism among the French people, promoting the idea of a shared identity and common values.
4. Reign of Terror: The revolutionary period was characterized by violence, particularly during the Reign of Terror. It witnessed mass executions, political purges, and the enforcement of republican virtues through fear.
5. Spread of Revolutionary Ideas: The French Revolution had a profound impact beyond France. It spread revolutionary ideas across Europe and influenced subsequent revolutions and movements for independence.

Haitian Revolution:
1. Slave Rebellion: The Haitian Revolution was the only successful slave rebellion in history. It was driven by the enslaved population's desire for freedom, equality, and the abolition of slavery.
2. Ethnic Unity: The revolution brought together people of African descent, both free and enslaved, in a unified struggle against French colonial rule. It highlighted the power of unity and solidarity in overcoming oppression.
3. Independence and Abolition: The revolution resulted in the establishment of Haiti as the first independent Black republic. It also abolished slavery within its borders, challenging the prevailing notions of racial hierarchy and inspiring anti-slavery movements worldwide.
4. Impact on International Relations: The success of the Haitian Revolution alarmed European powers as it challenged the institution of slavery and raised concerns about the spread of revolutionary ideas. Some countries, such as Britain and the United States, imposed trade embargoes on Haiti, contributing to its economic and political isolation.
5. Legacy of Resistance: The Haitian Revolution became a symbol of resistance against oppression and the struggle for self-determination. It inspired marginalized groups globally to demand their own rights and freedom.

These key points provide a starting point for further exploration of the French Revolution and the Haitian Revolution. Each revolution had complex and wide-ranging effects on society, politics, and the world as a whole. By delving deeper into these topics, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of how they changed lives and shaped worldviews.