Some students want to order shirts with their school logo. One company charges $9.65 per shirt a setup fee of $43. Another company charges $8.40 per shirt plus a $58 fee. For what number of shirts would the cost be the same?

I am doing this in 8th grade


-_- Im doing this in 8th as well

Im in 9th grade

This is 8th-grade Algebra 1 now lol

This is 8th grade math 1

Yeah lol

To determine the number of shirts for which the cost is the same between the two companies, we can set up an equation and solve for the variable.

Let's assume the number of shirts is represented by 'x'.

For the first company, the total cost is given by:
Total Cost = (Price per shirt * Number of shirts) + Setup fee
Total Cost = (9.65 * x) + 43

For the second company, the total cost is given by:
Total Cost = (Price per shirt * Number of shirts) + Fee
Total Cost = (8.40 * x) + 58

Since we want to find the number of shirts where the cost is the same, we can equate the two equations:

(9.65 * x) + 43 = (8.40 * x) + 58

Now we can solve for 'x':

9.65x + 43 = 8.40x + 58
9.65x - 8.40x = 58 - 43
1.25x = 15
x = 15 / 1.25
x = 12

Therefore, the cost would be the same for 12 shirts.
