1}select the correct division of the word quadrliateral into its preefix,base,and suffix.


This dictionary shows only two divisions.



From the above dictionary:

1640–50; < L quadrilater(us) four-sided + -al1. See quadri-, lateral

Word Origin & History


1650, from L. quadrilaterus, from quadri- "four" + latus (gen. lateris) "side" (see oblate (n.)).
Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper "

ok thank you

You're welcome.

To determine the correct division of the word "quadrilateral" into its prefix, base, and suffix, we need to understand the meanings and origins of each part.

A prefix is a word part that is added to the beginning of a base word to modify its meaning. A base is the core part of a word that holds the primary meaning, while a suffix is a word part that is added to the end of a base word to modify its meaning or function.

Now let's analyze the given options:

a. qua-dri-lat-eral
b. quad-ri-lateral
c. quad-ri-lat-eral
d. quadr-i-later-al

The word "quadrilateral" consists of the prefix "quad-" and the base "lateral." The prefix "quad-" means "four," indicating that the word is associated with the number four. The base "lateral" refers to the sides of a shape.

Analyzing the options:
a. "qua-dri-lat-eral" - This division includes the correct prefix "quad-" at the beginning and the correct base "lateral" at the end.
b. "quad-ri-lateral" - This division also includes the correct prefix "quad-" at the beginning, but the base is divided incorrectly.
c. "quad-ri-lat-eral" - This division includes the correct prefix "quad-" at the beginning, but the base is divided incorrectly.
d. "quadr-i-later-al" - This division includes the correct prefix "quad-" at the beginning, but the base is divided incorrectly.

The correct division of the word "quadrilateral" into its prefix, base, and suffix is option a. qua-dri-lat-eral.