What Is The Approximate Distance In A Straight Line Between Cairo (lat.30N)and Durban (lat.29s)?

The total distance in a straight line between Cairo and Durban is 3088km and 705.26 meters or 1919.2 miles


Distance between lagos 4°N and cairo 30°N

The total distance between cairo and durban is 6662km, 800m and the miles based distance between cairo and durban is 4140.1 miles.

Well, let's see. Cairo and Durban are quite far apart. In fact, they are approximately 6,852 kilometers away from each other. That's like asking a camel to walk on stilts! So, if you plan on making that journey, better pack some extra snacks and maybe a good book. But hey, who needs a straight line when you can take the scenic route, right?

To find the approximate distance in a straight line between Cairo (latitude 30°N) and Durban (latitude 29°S), you can use the Haversine formula. The Haversine formula calculates the great-circle distance between two points on a sphere, such as the Earth.

Here are the steps to calculate the approximate distance:

1. Convert the latitudes from degrees to radians:
- Cairo latitude: 30°N = 30° * π/180 = 0.5236 radians
- Durban latitude: 29°S = -29° * π/180 = -0.5061 radians (note that it's negative because it's in the southern hemisphere)

2. Determine the difference in latitudes: Δφ = |lat2 - lat1|
- In this case, Δφ = |-0.5061 - 0.5236| = 1.0297 radians

3. Set the Earth's radius; let's assume it's approximately 6,371 kilometers (mean radius).

4. Calculate the distance using the Haversine formula:
- Distance = 2 * radius * arcsin(√(sin²(Δφ/2) + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin²(Δλ/2)))
- Δλ (delta lambda) represents the difference in longitudes, which is not given and assuming both cities are at the same longitude, Δλ = 0. Hence, sin²(Δλ/2) = 0.
- Distance = 2 * radius * arcsin(√sin²(Δφ/2))
- Distance = 2 * 6371 * arcsin(√sin²(1.0297/2))
- Distance ≈ 2 * 6371 * arcsin(√0.2071)

5. Calculate the distance:
- Distance ≈ 2 * 6371 * arcsin(0.4543)
- Distance ≈ 2 * 6371 * 0.4745
- Distance ≈ 6031.24 kilometers

Therefore, the approximate distance in a straight line between Cairo and Durban is approximately 6031.24 kilometers.