If you have a jar of 1000 jelly beans and you know that P(blue) =4/5 and P(red) = 1/8, list several things you can say about the beans in the jar

What can YOU say about these jelly beans?

Blue= 800

Red= 125
Blue nor red= 75

To analyze the contents of the jar based on the given probabilities, we can make several statements:

1. The probability of picking a blue jelly bean from the jar is 4/5. This means that out of the 1000 jelly beans in the jar, approximately 800 are blue.

2. The probability of picking a red jelly bean from the jar is 1/8. This implies that based on the given information, there are approximately 125 red jelly beans in the jar.

3. Since the sum of all probabilities must equal 1, we can determine the probability of picking a jelly bean that is not blue or red. In this case, it would be P(not blue or red) = 1 - P(blue) - P(red) = 1 - 4/5 - 1/8 = 1/40. Therefore, there are approximately 25 jelly beans in the jar that are neither blue nor red.

4. Consequently, we can infer that the remaining jelly beans in the jar are neither blue, red, nor part of the "not blue or red" category. Thus, we can say the fraction of jelly beans that are neither blue nor red is close to 25/1000, or simply 1/40.

Please note that these statements are based on the given probabilities and assume that all jelly beans in the jar fall into the categories of blue, red, or neither.