What is original value if the total is 40 and the sale tax is 8.75%?

y * 8.75 = 40 is this the setup to solve the problem?


solve for y, the original value.

Thank you for helping bobpursley

I forget to put 1 for (1 + .0875).
Here is what I solve this:

To solve this problem, we need to determine the original value before the sales tax was added.

The equation you provided, y * 8.75 = 40, can be part of the solution approach, but it is not fully correct. Let me explain the correct setup:

1. Start with the original value, let's call it "x."
2. Add the sales tax to the original value. The sales tax is calculated as a percentage of the original value, so we multiply the original value (x) by 8.75% (or 0.0875) and add it to the original value.
New value = x + (x * 0.0875)
3. Since the new value (original value + sales tax) is given as 40, we can write the equation:
x + (x * 0.0875) = 40

Simplifying the equation:
x(1 + 0.0875) = 40
x * 1.0875 = 40
x = 40 / 1.0875

Calculating the original value:
x ≈ 36.80

Therefore, the original value before the sales tax was added is approximately $36.80.