which gas shows the greatest difference in percent between inhaled and exhaled air?

My suggestion would be CO2

The air we breathe in contains about 0.04% carbon dioxide.
The air we breathe out contains about 4% carbon dioxide.
In other words, exhaled air contains about 100 times the concentration of carbon dioxide that inhaled air does.
There is a corresponding but small change in the O2 content.

Carbon dioxide

The gas that shows the greatest difference in percent between inhaled and exhaled air is carbon dioxide (CO2). When we inhale, the concentration of CO2 in the air is relatively low. However, when we exhale, the concentration of CO2 in the exhaled air is significantly higher due to the metabolic waste produced by our cells. The difference in percent between inhaled and exhaled air can vary depending on factors such as physical activity, hydration levels, and overall health.

The gas that typically shows the greatest difference in percent between inhaled and exhaled air is carbon dioxide (CO2). To understand why this is the case, let's explore the process of respiration.

During inhalation, we take in oxygen (O2) from the atmosphere, which is essential for cellular metabolism. Our body then uses this oxygen to produce energy through a process called cellular respiration. As a result of this respiration, carbon dioxide is produced as a waste product.

When we exhale, the air we breathe out contains a higher concentration of carbon dioxide compared to the inhaled air. This is because the oxygen that was inhaled is utilized by our body's cells, converting it into carbon dioxide. The exhaled air, therefore, carries away this waste gas.

To measure the difference in percent between inhaled and exhaled air, you can use a gas analyzer or a device called a spirometer. These instruments can detect and measure the levels of different gases, including carbon dioxide. By comparing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the inhaled and exhaled air, you can determine the percentage difference.

It is worth noting that the difference in percent between inhaled and exhaled air can vary depending on factors such as the level of physical activity, metabolism rate, and overall health condition. Nonetheless, carbon dioxide consistently shows the greatest difference among the gases involved in respiration.