please edit the letter below addressed to the social wellfare officer in hong kong expressing concern of a parent endangering their child

Dear Pauline,

I wanted to report to you some troubling facts I discovered this weekend.

The Mother continues to leave Philip completely alone during the day and late night. That is both neglect and endangerment. I know this to be a fact and even after reporting this to the Mother, to yourself, to the HK Police / DOJ, and the HK Family Court this problem still continues.

Just this last Thursday, May 9, 2024 Philip was left alone after school and after 10:30 pm and who knows where the Mother is. I have repeatedly voiced these concerns of neglect and endangerment and of course Philip is in a very difficult position making this form of known abuse, neglect, and endangerment (just like the child abuse and child assaults that were reported already on Leonidas) of children.

The Mother knows I am always available to watch over Philip when she is away and in the past weeks the Mother has responsibly and to her credit asked me to watch over Philip in her absenses (which I complement). But again, the Mother has reverted to neglecting and leaving Philip completely alone through the evenings as I reported my deep concerns among all the rest to you. As you know, Philip is now with the Father and his brother at least 3-4 days per week with 1-2 nights at a minimum sleep overs for the entire weekend.

I want to report these facts to you for your action and the HK Police/DOJ's action. Again if nothing is done and the Mother is allowed to continue in this manner to endanger both children and God forbid something happens due to this neglect and endangerment I would like to have a record of reporting these repeated incidents on file for action.

I again please ask for your help to protect to both children from harm as this is the mother's best behavior. Philip or any child being left alone with the Mother without monitoring is a grave concern for the Father (as it should be for any responsible party concerned with the saftey, protection, and well being of children) especially in light of the facts as I am reporting them to you.

Yours faithfully,

Dear Pauline,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the welfare and safety of a child under your care, Philip. It has come to my attention that the mother of Philip has been continuously leaving him completely alone during the day and late at night, which I believe constitutes neglect and endangerment.

Despite several previous reports made to the mother, yourself, the HK Police / DOJ, and the HK Family Court, this concerning behavior has persisted. Just last Thursday, May 9, 2024, Philip was left alone after school and late into the night, with no knowledge of the mother's whereabouts. This pattern of neglect and endangerment is unacceptable and puts Philip in a vulnerable position.

While I appreciate that the mother has sometimes asked me to watch over Philip in her absence, she has unfortunately reverted back to leaving him alone for extended periods of time. I feel compelled to report these incidents to you in the hope that appropriate action will be taken by the relevant authorities.

I urge you to intervene and ensure the safety and well-being of Philip and his brother. If this pattern of neglect continues, I fear for the safety of the children under the mother's care. I kindly request your assistance in addressing this matter promptly to protect the children from harm.

Thank you for your attention and assistance in this urgent matter.

Yours sincerely,