Sketch a map showing soil surface sampling of rigid method soil survey. Explain your sampling.

To sketch a map showing soil surface sampling of rigid method soil survey, you would first need to divide the area into smaller, manageable units. These units could be grids, transects, or any other pattern that allows for systematic sampling.

Next, mark locations within each unit where soil samples will be collected. These locations should be spread out evenly across the unit to ensure representative sampling.

Once the locations are marked, collect soil samples at each designated point. Use a soil auger or corer to collect samples at a consistent depth (typically 0-10 cm) to ensure uniformity in sampling.

After collecting the samples, label them accurately with the corresponding location and unit information. These samples can then be analyzed for various soil properties such as texture, pH, organic matter content, and nutrient levels.

The rigid method soil survey allows for systematic and thorough sampling of soil surfaces, providing valuable information for land management and agricultural practices.