A farmer wants to properly manage her soil to prevent a situation like the Dust Bowl. What is the best way to manage the soil? (1 point)

O remove humus from the soil

O water the soil frequently

Ofrequently dig the soil to get rid of unwanted plants

O allow plants such as grass to root in it

Allow plants such as grass to root in it is the best way to manage soil and prevent a situation like the Dust Bowl.

Is that right?

Yes, that is correct.

The best way to manage soil and prevent a situation like the Dust Bowl is to allow plants, such as grass, to root in it. This helps to prevent erosion and maintain soil structure. Let me explain how this works.

When soil is left bare, exposed to wind and water, it becomes vulnerable to erosion. This was one of the main causes of the Dust Bowl, where wind blew away the topsoil of the Great Plains in the 1930s. Planting and allowing vegetation, especially deep-rooted plants like grass, helps to anchor the soil and prevent erosion.

Vegetation, through its root systems, holds the soil together, making it less likely to be carried away by wind or water. The roots also create channels through which water can infiltrate into the soil, reducing runoff and erosion. Additionally, the plants themselves provide a physical barrier that protects the soil surface from the impact of raindrops, further reducing erosion.

Moreover, the presence of plants in the soil contributes to the build-up of organic matter, known as humus. Humus improves the soil's structure, water-holding capacity, and nutrient content, making it more resilient and fertile.

Therefore, by allowing plants such as grass to root in the soil, farmers can effectively manage their soil and prevent situations like the Dust Bowl.

Why is soil considered a vital resource?(1 point)ResponsesIt is the place where all nutrients on Earth are stored.It is the place where all nutrients on Earth are stored.It provides the source of material for different landforms.It provides the source of material for different landforms.It is hard to destroy and easy to make.It is hard to destroy and easy to make.It plays a variety of roles for plants and animals.