7.4.6 - Quick Check: The Enlightenment Quick Check

1. What was the Enlightenment?

- The Enlightenment was a cultural and intellectual movement that took place in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries. It emphasized reason, logic, and humanism over traditional superstition and authority.

2. What were some key ideas of the Enlightenment?
- Some key ideas of the Enlightenment included the belief in the power of reason and science, the promotion of individual rights and freedoms, the importance of education and secularism, and the rejection of absolute monarchy and religious authority.

3. How did the Enlightenment influence society and politics?
- The Enlightenment had a profound impact on society and politics by promoting ideas such as individual rights, freedom of speech, and separation of powers. It also laid the foundation for modern democracy and inspired revolutions such as the American and French Revolutions.

4. Who were some key Enlightenment thinkers?
- Some key Enlightenment thinkers include Voltaire, John Locke, Montesquieu, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Immanuel Kant. These philosophers and writers played a significant role in shaping the ideas and values of the Enlightenment.

5. How did the Enlightenment impact future generations?
- The Enlightenment paved the way for the advancement of science, the spread of democratic ideas, and the promotion of individual rights and freedoms. Its influence can be seen in modern governments, educational systems, and cultural attitudes towards reason and progress.