Hi! This is mainly for Ms Sue but i'd like anyone to check my answers. This is the Science Organelles Quick Check.

1. What helps the plasma membrane function?

channels and chain-like structures

pumps and gelatin-like material

nuclei and endoplasmic reticula

chloroplasts and mitochondria**

2.Where are organelles like mitochondria and the Golgi apparatus found?




plasma membrane
3.Which statement correctly describes the function of pumps in the plasma membrane?

Pumps store water in the plasma membrane for later use by the cell.

Pumps hold the plasma membrane together.

Pumps move substances through the plasma membrane.**

Pumps glue the plasma membranes of adjacent cells together.
4.Which part of the cell functions to recognize other cells?


plasma membrane**

cell wall



1. Channels and chain-like structures

2. Cytoplasm

3. Pumps move substances through the plasma membrane

4. Plasma membrane

No cap

Glad you got them by yourself.

She has passed on and is very much missed.

I am sorry; Ms Sue is no longer with us.

I suggest re posting this as a biology question.
As a physicist who never took biology I have never even seen most of the words before :)

Huh said "no cap" so...they got to be right.....

Oh no!! That’s terrible! What happened to Ms. Sue? Is she okay?


Huh is correct

thanks huh real life savior

Oh and I actually ended up getting only the first question wrong so that’s not bad

I got all of them right:)

Ms Sue will be missed