Bisi lives 5km from school, she walks 1km at 4km/h and travels the rest of the wayby bus at 16km/h. What is the average speed of the whole distance

To calculate the average speed for the whole distance, we need to first find the total time taken for the journey.

Time taken to walk 1km at 4km/h = 1/4 hours
Time taken to travel the rest of the way by bus (4km) at 16km/h = 4/16 hours = 1/4 hours

Total time taken = 1/4 + 1/4 = 1/2 hours

Total distance = 5km

Average speed = Total distance / Total time taken
Average speed = 5 / 1/2
Average speed = 5 * 2 = 10 km/h

Therefore, the average speed of the whole distance is 10 km/h.