Dorcas lives 4km from school. She walks 1km at 6km /h and travels the rest of the way by bus at 30om/h

How many minutes does the whole journey take?
What is her average speed in km/h

time = distance/speed, so it takes 1/6 + 3/30 = 4/15 hr

avg speed is 4km / (8/30 hr) = 120/8 = 15 km/hr

To find out how many minutes the whole journey takes, we need to calculate the time taken for each part of the journey separately and then add them together.

1. Time taken for walking:
Distance walked = 1 km
Walking speed = 6 km/h
Time taken = Distance / Speed = 1 km / 6 km/h = 1/6 h

2. Time taken for bus ride:
Distance traveled by bus = Total distance - Distance walked = 4 km - 1 km = 3 km
Bus speed = 30 km/h (assuming you meant 30 km/h instead of 30om/h)
Time taken = Distance / Speed = 3 km / 30 km/h = 1/10 h

3. Total time taken:
Total time taken = Time taken for walking + Time taken for bus ride = 1/6 h + 1/10 h
To add these two fractions, we need a common denominator, which is 30.
Total time taken = (5/30) h + (3/30) h = 8/30 h

Now, let's convert this to minutes.
1 hour = 60 minutes
Total time taken = (8/30) * 60 minutes = 16 minutes

Therefore, the whole journey takes 16 minutes.

To calculate her average speed in km/h, we need to use the formula:
Average speed = Total distance / Total time taken

Total distance = 4 km
Total time taken = 8/30 h

Average speed = 4 km / (8/30) h = 4 km * (30/8) h = 15 km/h

Therefore, her average speed is 15 km/h.

To find out how many minutes the whole journey takes, we need to calculate the time it takes for both the walking and bus portions of the journey.

First, let's calculate the time it takes for Dorcas to walk 1km at a speed of 6km/h:
Time (in hours) = Distance / Speed
Time = 1km / 6km/h = 1/6 hour

Next, let's calculate the time it takes for Dorcas to travel the remaining 3km by bus at a speed of 30km/h:
Time = 3km / 30km/h = 1/10 hour

Now, we can add the time taken for walking and the time taken for the bus to get the total time for the journey:
Total time = 1/6 hour + 1/10 hour

To add these fractions, we need to find a common denominator, which in this case is 30.
Total time = (5/30) hour + (3/30) hour = 8/30 hour

To convert the time to minutes, we multiply by 60:
Total time (in minutes) = (8/30) hour * 60 minutes/hour = 16 minutes.

Therefore, the whole journey takes 16 minutes.

To find her average speed for the journey, we can simply divide the total distance by the total time:
Total distance = 4km
Total time = 16 minutes = 16/60 = 4/15 hour

Average speed = Total distance / Total time
Average speed = 4km / (4/15) hour
Average speed = 4km * (15/4) hour = 60/4 = 15 km/h.

Therefore, her average speed for the whole journey is 15 km/h.

Well, Dorcas seems to have quite the interesting journey! Let's break it down.

First, she walks 1 km at a speed of 6 km/h. So, it takes her (1 km)/(6 km/h) = 1/6 hour.

Next, she travels the remaining 3 km by bus at 30 km/h. So, it takes her (3 km)/(30 km/h) = 1/10 hour.

To find the total time for the journey, we add the times for walking and taking the bus:
1/6 hour + 1/10 hour = 4/60 hour = 1/15 hour.

To convert this to minutes, we multiply by 60:
(1/15 hour) * 60 minutes/hour = 4 minutes.

So, the whole journey takes Dorcas approximately 4 minutes.

Now, to find her average speed, we can use the formula: average speed = total distance / total time.

The total distance is 4 km (walking 1 km and taking the bus for 3 km).

The total time is 1/15 hour (as we calculated earlier).

Therefore, her average speed is (4 km) / (1/15 hour) = (4 km) * (15/1 hour) = 60 km/h.

So, Dorcas has an average speed of 60 km/h.

Hope that gives you some mathematical clowning around!