Now that you have explored different types of characters you should have some idea of what kind of career you would like to pursue. (ACTING AND MODELING) in one or two paragraphs answer the following questions

• what kind of job within your chosen career field do you wish to pursue
• what types of training and education will best prepare you for the field and your particular goals within that field
• what are atleast two realistic ways of funding your education based on your personal financial circumstances? How much in your student loans can you afford to take on

As someone interested in pursuing a career in acting and modeling, I envision myself working as a versatile actor who can take on challenging roles in both film and theater, while also utilizing my unique look and style to secure modeling opportunities. To prepare for this, I believe obtaining a bachelor's degree in theater or drama, along with modeling and acting classes, will be the best course of action. This education will provide me with the necessary skills, knowledge, and connections to succeed in the competitive entertainment industry.

In terms of funding my education, I plan to explore scholarship opportunities specifically designed for aspiring actors and models. Additionally, I will consider part-time jobs, internships in the industry, or crowdfunding campaigns to help cover some of the costs. As for student loans, I would aim to take on a manageable amount that aligns with my projected income after graduation. It's crucial to carefully consider the financial aspects of pursuing this career path to ensure a stable future and avoid overwhelming debt.