Benjamin is giving a presentation about World War I. He wants to use a movie clip of a war scene and interview his neighbor whose great uncle fought in World War I. Write a 3-5 sentence paragraph explaining why Benjamin should rethink using these sources, and what he should use to replace them.(4 points) short

Benjamin should rethink using a movie clip of a war scene because it may sensationalize and inaccurately portray the realities of World War I. Additionally, relying solely on an interview with his neighbor's great uncle may provide a limited and biased perspective of the war. Instead, Benjamin should consider using primary sources such as letters, diaries, and photos from actual soldiers who fought in World War I. These sources can provide a more authentic and nuanced understanding of the experiences and impact of the war.

in theree short sentences

Benjamin should reconsider using a movie clip and interview with his neighbor's great uncle for his World War I presentation because they may not provide a accurate representation of the war. Instead, he should use primary sources like letters, diaries, and photos from actual soldiers who fought in World War I to gain a more authentic understanding. This will help provide a more nuanced perspective and offer a deeper insight into the experiences and impact of the war.


Benjamin should avoid using a movie clip and interview with his neighbor for his World War I presentation, as they may not accurately portray the war. Instead, he should rely on primary sources like letters and diaries from actual soldiers to gain a more authentic understanding of the war. This will provide a more nuanced perspective and deeper insight into the experiences and impact of World War I.