Luke is doing a research project on dinosaur fossil dig. Which pieces of information would be most helpful for his presentation?

A. A timeline of the digs progress
B. A map of the dig site
C. A video clip from a fictional movie about dinosaurs
D. An article about the discovery of the first fossil
E. A book on carnivorous dinosaurs

A and B would be the most helpful pieces of information for Luke's presentation. A timeline of the digs progress would show how the excavation has developed over time, while a map of the dig site would give the audience a clear understanding of the location and layout of the site. C and E are not relevant to Luke's research project, while D may be interesting background information, but is not directly related to the fossil dig itself.

The pieces of information that would be most helpful for Luke's presentation on the dinosaur fossil dig are:

A. A timeline of the digs progress: This would provide a chronological overview of the dig, highlighting important discoveries or milestones.

B. A map of the dig site: A map would give an understanding of the physical location of the dig, including the specific area where the fossils were found.

D. An article about the discovery of the first fossil: This would provide valuable background information on the initial discovery that sparked the dinosaur fossil dig. It would help explain the significance of the dig and set the context for the entire project.

E. A book on carnivorous dinosaurs: This resource would give Luke more in-depth knowledge on a specific type of dinosaur, enhancing his understanding of the fossils found during the dig. It would add depth and specificity to his presentation.

C. A video clip from a fictional movie about dinosaurs: While it may be entertaining, a fictional movie clip does not provide factual information or contribute to the scientific credibility of Luke's presentation. It would not be as helpful as the other options.