exercising safety/designing your exercise program portfolio

1. Get a check-up from your doctor before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or concerns.

2. Start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts to prevent injury.

3. Always warm up before exercising and cool down afterwards to help prevent muscle soreness and injury.

4. Incorporate a mix of cardiovascular, strength training, and flexibility exercises into your routine to improve overall fitness and prevent boredom.

5. Use proper form and technique when performing exercises to avoid injury. Consider working with a certified personal trainer to ensure you are using correct form.

6. Listen to your body and rest when needed. Pushing through pain or fatigue can lead to injury.

7. Stay hydrated and fuel your body with nutritious foods to support your exercise routine.

8. Wear appropriate clothing and footwear for your workouts to ensure comfort and safety.

9. Consider incorporating rest days into your exercise routine to allow your body time to recover and prevent overtraining.

10. Monitor your progress and make adjustments to your program as needed to continue seeing results and prevent plateaus.