how to tell an adult someone is vaping

1. Approach the adult in a calm and non-confrontational manner. Choose a private setting to have the conversation.

2. Express your concern for their health and well-being. Let them know that you care about them and want to help them make healthier choices.

3. Provide information about the dangers of vaping, such as the potential for addiction, lung damage, and negative effects on overall health.

4. Be specific about what you have observed. For example, mention any unusual smells, behaviors, or physical signs that indicate they may be vaping.

5. Offer support and resources for quitting vaping. Encourage them to talk to a healthcare professional or seek help from a quit smoking program.

6. Be prepared for possible resistance or defensiveness. Listen to their perspective and try to understand why they are vaping. Offer your continued support and encouragement.

7. Follow up with the adult to see how they are doing and offer additional help if needed. Remember to approach the situation with empathy and understanding.