1. What do you do about cyberbullying if the first adult doesn't take you seriously? (1 point)

Ignore it.

Tell the adult over and over again.

Tell the bully that you will tell his or her parents.

Tell another trusted adult.


I got a 100
(I feel so accomplished cs I usually come on here for answers but here i am giving them)💀💀

Right XD

If the first adult you confide in about cyberbullying does not take you seriously, it is important to take action to ensure your safety and well-being. Here are a few steps to consider:

1. Ignore it: While ignoring cyberbullying may not always be the best solution, sometimes it can be effective if the situation is not too severe. Bullies often thrive on the reaction they provoke, so by not engaging with them, they may lose interest.

2. Tell the adult over and over again: It's important to persist in seeking help. If the first adult you reach out to doesn't take you seriously, continue talking to other trusted adults until someone listens and understands the seriousness of the situation.

3. Tell the bully that you will tell his or her parents: Informing the bully that their actions will be reported to their parents can be a deterrent. It may make them think twice before continuing their cyberbullying behavior.

4. Tell another trusted adult: If the first adult you approach doesn't respond appropriately, find another trusted adult who can help you resolve the issue. This could be a teacher, school counselor, coach, or a parent of a close friend. It is important to reach out to someone who will take your concerns seriously and offer support.

Remember, cyberbullying is a serious matter and should not be ignored. By reaching out to other adults, you can increase the chances of finding someone who will take appropriate action to address the issue and help ensure your safety online.

u you suck

this man is a liar real answers are