I'm curious to know if i translated these two sentences right:

1.The stop sign is located at the intersection.
~I translated: La senal de parada esta queda al cruce de calles.

2.It is very dangerous to drive a truck across the narrow bridge.
~I translated: Es muy peligroso manejar un camion cruzar el puente estrecho.

Thanks for any help! :)

Do not forget the accent marks! If you tell us whether you have a MAC (much easier) or a PC we can give you the chart to show you how to make accent marks on the computer. The word is wrong if it requires an accent mark and it is missing.

1. La señal de parada OR de alto...eiher está OR se queda

2. camión (not the infinitive but preposition) = al través del puente


Great job with your translations! Overall, you did a good job, but let me provide you with some suggestions to improve them further:

1. The stop sign is located at the intersection.
~ You translated: "La señal de parada está queda al cruce de calles."
Suggested translation: "La señal de parada se encuentra en la intersección."

In your translation, you used the verb "quedar," which means "to stay" or "to remain." Instead, it would be more accurate to use the verb "encontrar," which means "to be located" or "to be found." Also, instead of "al cruce de calles" (at the street crossing), using "en la intersección" (at the intersection) would provide a more specific and clear translation.

2. It is very dangerous to drive a truck across the narrow bridge.
~ You translated: "Es muy peligroso manejar un camión cruzar el puente estrecho."
Suggested translation: "Es muy peligroso conducir un camión a través del puente estrecho."

In your translation, you missed the word "to" between "drive" and "cross." Additionally, the verb "conducir" is more commonly used to mean "to drive" instead of "manejar." Finally, instead of using "cruzar" separately, you can use the phrase "a través de" to convey the idea of "across." So, "cruzar el puente estrecho" should be translated as "a través del puente estrecho" (through/across the narrow bridge).

Remember that translating is not only about finding the equivalents of words but also expressing the meaning accurately in the target language. Keep up the good work!