10 Example of concealing and revealing of the theory of communication privacy management

1. A couple decides not to disclose their relationship status on social media to maintain privacy.

2. An employee chooses not to share personal information with colleagues at work to protect their privacy.
3. A student shares certain details about their personal life with a close friend but keeps other information private.
4. A family member decides to keep a health diagnosis confidential within the family to protect the individual's privacy.
5. A public figure selectively reveals information about their personal life to the media while keeping other details private.
6. A therapist maintains confidentiality with their clients to protect their privacy and build trust.
7. A government agency restricts access to certain classified information to prevent unauthorized disclosure.
8. A company implements strict data privacy policies to protect customer information.
9. A celebrity carefully controls their public image by choosing what information to reveal and what to keep private.
10. A journalist protects their sources by keeping their identities confidential.