what are 3 obstacles faced in "lord of the flies" that set them back

1. The boys' internal struggle between civilization and savagery: Throughout the novel, the boys constantly battle with their own inner demons, torn between the desire for order, rules, and rescue, and the allure of chaos, violence, and power. This internal conflict hinders their ability to work together and make rational decisions.

2. The absence of adult authority and guidance: With no adults present on the island, the boys are left to fend for themselves and establish their own rules and social structure. The lack of adult influence leads to power struggles, conflicts, and ultimately, a breakdown of civilization among the boys.

3. The influence of fear and superstition: As the boys' fear of the unknown and the Beast grows, their rational thinking is clouded by paranoia and superstition. This fear leads to irrational decisions, violence, and ultimately, the disintegration of their society on the island.