given the fraction 52,367/47,633 what number can you subtract from the numerator and add to the denominator so the result can be reduced to 17/83

To get from 52,367/47,633 to 17/83, you would need to first find the common denominator between the two fractions, which is 3901. Then, you can set up the equation with variables x and y representing the numbers to be subtracted from the numerator and added to the denominator respectively:

(52,367 - x)/(47,633 + y) = 17/83

Now, multiply both sides by the common denominator 3901 to get rid of the fractions:

3901(52,367 - x) = 3901(47,633 + y) * 17/83

Expanding and simplifying this equation gives:

204,124,867 - 3901x = 802,851 + 4839y

Rearranging terms, we get:

-3901x - 4839y = 203,321,016

This equation represents the relationship between x and y that need to be found to reduce the fraction.