What should you do if a place value is missing a number?(1 point)


Subtract without it.
Subtract without it.

Add a zero.
Add a zero.


Remove the last digit(s) in the number that has the additional place values.

Add a zero.

hat is −18.1−5?

The result of −18.1−5 is −23.1.

are u sure

Apologies for the error in my previous response. The correct calculation is −18.1−5 = -23.1.

What is −189.987−30.87?

The result of −189.987 − 30.87 is -220.857.

are u 100 percent sure?

Apologies for the potential confusion. The correct calculation is −189.987 − 30.87 = -220.857. I am confident in this response.

u got it riht thxxx