7 ways in which How is violence showed in Cetshwayo

1. Physical violence: The film depicts numerous battle scenes where violence is shown through hand-to-hand combat, fighting with weapons, and scenes of war.

2. Verbal violence: There are instances where characters engage in heated arguments and exchanges of insults, showcasing verbal violence.

3. Emotional violence: The film portrays the emotional toll of violence on characters, including scenes of grief, anger, and trauma.

4. Cultural violence: The film explores the cultural clashes and tensions that lead to violent conflicts between different tribes and communities.

5. Systemic violence: The film exposes the systemic violence of colonization and imperialism, highlighting the destructive impact of these forces on individuals and communities.

6. Political violence: The film delves into the political machinations and power struggles that often lead to violence and conflict in society.

7. Domestic violence: There are scenes in the film that depict instances of domestic violence, shedding light on the darker aspects of interpersonal relationships and family dynamics.